Reviews on selfloss
Reviews on selfloss

reviews on selfloss

If I had one little niggle, it's that for me after the transformation to Reynolds it felt like a different film, it didn't feel seamless, maybe that was intentional, I felt they could have delved into the transition a little deeper, it seemed to happen to quickly. There were enough surprises and plenty of intrigue to keep you wondering. I really did enjoy this movie, the concept was a good one, it was a clever plot.

reviews on selfloss

Researching the tower he is led to St Louis, where he discovers the truth behind his new guise and the sinister Albright. As time goes on Damian starts having disturbing visions, the constant being a woman, little girl, and a pumpkin tower. Albright insists on meeting weekly, giving Damian the pills he must take without fail. Damian accepts and wakes up a fit young man. Damian attends and meets Professor Albright, who explains the procedure on offer, Damian's living consciousness can be transplanted into a new body, a body that's been cultivated.

reviews on selfloss

Out with friend and fellow business man Martin a card is slipped into Damian's possession, Phoenix biogenic, with a message on the back of help. 'Billionaire Damian, a man responsible for enormous business deals, a big figure with the ability to buy whatever he wants, but not the thing he needs, a cure for cancer.

Reviews on selfloss movie#

In recent times it seems like a sci fi thriller is a tricky movie to master, and whilst I don't pretend that Self/less mastered it, it's a very watchable and enjoyable movie.

Reviews on selfloss