Air brush for dyna flow painnt
Air brush for dyna flow painnt

air brush for dyna flow painnt

I'm a beginner myself, and I also find it hard to get a minimal spot consistently by muscle memory alone. In the end, using the stopper at such a minimal position is probably a crutch that you want to avoid. Look at the needle tip from time to time and clean it if you see paint on it. Try thinning your paint even more than the thinnest you've gone before. Try experimenting with flow improver and retarder. See if you're using the proper dual action technique. Try watching some videos on dealing with tip dry and applying the advice. When you move the trigger quickly, that dry paint comes off, thus more paint can come out. What's happening most likely is that dry paint is getting stuck on the needle, blocking the whole nozzle and preventing paint from coming out. In normal conditions, the speed shouldn't have any effect, just the position of the trigger.

air brush for dyna flow painnt

It happens with freshly cleaned airbrush as well. I'm using different brands of acrylic paints and inks for scale models / wargaming. I own H&S Infinity CR Plus with 0.2 needle and Sparmax TC-610H Plus compressor with psi between 20-40 depending on paint consistency. Is this how it should work? Should the speed of pulling the trigger back affect the paint flow? If not, what could be wrong? I pull the trigger back quickly - much higher paint flow is coming out. I point the airbrush back on the test paper and try again - same, no paint is coming out Quick fix is blocking trigger to go any further but no paint is coming out I point my airbrush to the model and slowly starts pulling trigger back again to get that flow I slowly pull the trigger back until I get the paint flow I want and adjust the quick fix dial at the back of the airbrush to not allow trigger going any further


I'm not sure how to best describe the problem but this is what happens to me quite regularly when I want to get small paint flow for detail work:

Air brush for dyna flow painnt